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Mary's Song - Journey to the Manger - Part 2

Mary's story of hope was a painful lesson in trusting God through trial and confusion. But God's plan was good. For Mary and for the world.

Zechariah's Song - Journey to the Manger - Part 1

John the Baptist was born shortly before Jesus. His father, Zechariah sang a beautiful song at the birth of his Son that we call the Benedictus. Let's explore this song and see how it describes the hope that God was bringing to the world through Jesus.

Creating Margins

Today Pastor Mike kicks off a new series about avoiding pushing ourselves to the redline and finding the healthy margins God wants you to experience.

The Problem of Evil

What happens to our faith in a good God when we experience pain or witness injustice? Do bad things serve as evidence against a good God? Or is there more to the story?

What is the Real Foundation?

Before the Old and New Testaments were combined and called the Bible, the debate about the Christian faith centered on an event, not a book. We believe Jesus rose from the dead, but not because the Bible says so. We believe because of the testimony of eyewitnesses who gave up everything— including their lives— because of their confidence in Jesus.
Before you abandon your faith, it’s worth exploring this question: What if the Bible isn’t the foundation of the Christian faith?

Church People Week 5 - Why Love Katy

What does it mean to radiate Jesus’ values to a lost and dying world? In this message, take a look at the biblical definition of The Church and give practical applications for today on what it means to supply and serve the needs of the people around us.

Why Read the Bible?

Even people who have been "Church People" for years can struggle to understand the Bible. In this message, Pastor Mike helps us know where to start.

How He Loves - Thief on the Cross - Week 4

How do we reconcile our life experiences with a good God? Is God still good when life is bad? Join Pastor George Holleway as we learn from the story of the thief on the cross.

Jesus - Serving - Part 7

Jesus said that when he served, it was like FOOD to him. It nourished him, filled him up. But so many of us are SO busy and SO worn out, serving just sounds...tiring, like ANOTHER thing to do. Today, we hear some really good news: Serving in Jesus' kingdom begins with Jesus serving us! And from there, serving doesn't lead to burn out, it leads to joy and purpose.

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Jesus died for your sin to reconcile you to God. Many people often wonder why Jesus had to die. Why doesn’t God just forgive and forget? The Bible teaches that the penalty for sin & rebellion against God is death. As much as we want justice for others, if God truly gave equal justice, you and I would have to die. Jesus came to take that penalty on himself as a sacrifice of atonement. God upholds Justice and Jesus takes the penalty on himself… to redeem and save you.

Dealing with Hurt and Injustice

When faced with hurt and injustice, we've heard people suggest everything from "eye for an eye" to basically letting yourself be treated like a doormat. But what does Jesus call us to do? Thankfully, in Jesus, we can address injustice and hurt in a way that neither minimizes their gravity nor allows them to consume or define our lives.

What does your neighbor want for Christmas?

Have you ever seen someone give a really BAD Christmas gift? Was it because they didn't know the person they were giving to? Or because their heart wasn't in it? Or were they just clueless? This Christmas, what are the people around you longing for? Into today's message, we learn what can give them by discovering what the REAL reason for the season is...and it's probably not what you think.

What Does the World Want for Christmas?

What do you want for Christmas - Part 1

"What do you want for Christmas"? That question gets asked every year and with all the confusion about what Christmas is really about, maybe it's a great question for us to ask together. In this 4 week series, we'll ask this question from 4 different perspectives. In part one, we'll be asking, What does the World want for Christmas?

Confidence in God

So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.

Lost sheep, coin, son

In "Season 2" of our "Make it Make Sense" series, we are beginning with Jesus' stories: the parables. When we lose heart, we don't need to be convinced of anything. We need to be woken up. And Jesus does just that through his stories. He wakes us up to receive his promises and live in fullness of life.

Wise Builder

In "Season 2" of our "Make it Make Sense" series, we are beginning with Jesus' stories: the parables. When we lose heart, we don't need to be convinced of anything. We need to be woken up. And Jesus does just that through his stories. He wakes us up to receive his promises and live in fullness of life.

Palm Sunday

For some reason, God keeps choosing to engage with the world through flawed people. Today, we see that Jesus enters the scene on a path paved by his friends. And..Jesus will enter people’s lives on a path paved by YOU. Why does God use flawed people like us? The answer is probably better news than you think.

Christmas 2022: Hope in Unmagical Moments

Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of joy and peace. But let's be honest, most of our Christmases are chaotic, stressful, and filled with tension. It might surprise you to learn that the first Christmas was a lot like what we experience. In fact, God seems to delight in working through our messes.

The Shepherds

The Angels announcement to the shepherds that a Savior had been born was pretty hard to ignore. So is the mercy and peace that God brings to you today.

Simeon & Anna

Invited even though rejected.

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