At the Table - Part 2
Repairing broken relationships requires humility, wisdom, and the peace of Jesus. This week we'll continue with the next tool we need to follow Jesus and bring peace to broken relationships.
I Pledge Allegiance- Part 1
Nothing divides like Politics because nothing divides like fear. Politicians and political parties love to stoke fear and worry. But Jesus' church is not based on fear and worry and we dare not let our loyalty to Jesus be distracted by politics. Jesus' followers love one another no matter what political parties we may follow.
Redlining Your Time
In this message, we explore how the overwhelming busyness in our lives can distract us from what truly matters, using Jesus’ unhurried life as a model for intentional living. Discover how to break free from the trap of time-wasting activities and align your life with the rhythms of grace to find true peace and fulfillment.
Redlining Your Finances
We live in a culture that continually tells us to pursue a higher standard of living in order to improve our quality of life. But "standard of living" and "quality of life" aren't the same thing. One has to do with the stuff we accumulate. The other is about the peace we experience regardless of our circumstances.
What if your pursuit of a standard of living is undermining your quality of life? It's time to stop redlining your finances and create some breathing room!
Creating Margins
Today Pastor Mike kicks off a new series about avoiding pushing ourselves to the redline and finding the healthy margins God wants you to experience.
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
Jesus wants his people to have an unshakeable faith. Typically, people who stop believing in God walk away from a particular version of God. But what if they have the wrong version? What if you have the wrong version? If you’ve walked away from faith or religion, it could be that your version of god never existed in the first place.
Undercover Boss
In the message today we’ll learn about overcoming the "undercover bosses" that our emotions try to be by confronting sin in a loving manner, and following Jesus' instructions. God's relentless love challenges us to confront our own discomfort to lovingly pursue others.
Inside all of us are very strong emotions like Anger, Envy, Guilt, and Fear that push and pull us in different directions. If we’re not careful, they will become your boss and control you from the inside out and they have the potential to ruin your relationships, rob you of peace, and even lead you away from God.
This week we’re talking about a critical heart issue and emotion…ANGER. This powerful emotion springs from feeling that you’ve been wronged by someone and it can ruin your relationships. Let’s confront this on Sunday so that Anger doesn’t become the boss of you.
Jesus spoke a lot about the issue of fear and taught his disciples not to let fear become the "boss" of them. By placing our confidence in the risen Christ, who conquered death, we can overcome fear and live with courage and peace.
Inside all of us are very strong emotions like Anger, Envy, Guilt, and Fear that push and pull us in different directions. If we’re not careful, they will become your boss and control you from the inside out and they have the potential to ruin your relationships, rob you of peace, and even lead you away from God.
This week we’re talking about a critical heart issue and emotion…GUILT. This powerful emotion can leave you in denial and avoidance or even angry and judgmental. Let’s confront this on Sunday so that Guilt doesn’t become the boss of you.
Inside all of us are very strong emotions like Anger, Envy, Guilt, and Fear that push and pull us in different directions. If we’re not careful, they will become your boss and control you from the inside out and they have the potential to ruin your relationships, rob you of peace, and even lead you away from God. But here’s the good news. You already have a boss and his name is Jesus. And unlike those little bosses inside of you, Jesus brings peace and hope.
Church People Week 3 - We Need Us
Listen in as we explore what community among church people should look like. How did Jesus want church to be done? How can we learn to value and prioritize healthy community in our own lives?
What is Church?
How He Loves - Week 3 -Pilate
How He Loves - Week 2 - Caiaphas
How does Jesus love? What if His love sometimes looks like correction? Today we're in the second week of the How He Loves series and Pastor Mike is introducing us to the next villain of the story.
How He Loves - Week 1 - Judas
Today we're starting a new series called "How He Loves." It's all about how Jesus demonstrated love even to the worst people in the Easter story. This week we learn how Jesus showed love to Judas even though He knew Judas would betray him.
Jesus - Sacraments - Part 6
Jesus taught us to celebrate baptism and the Lord's Supper, but what are they? Today Pastor Paul explains the grace that is offered to us through these gifts.
Jesus - Did He want churches? - Part 5
The church is God’s agent of transformation for each us personally, in our community, and throughout the world. If we were God, we would probably not have entrusted the good news to us. But that’s exactly what happened. But the church is filled with flawed people and our culture is rapidly running away from the church. Now more than ever the world needs the church. We need the church too!
Dealing with Hurt and Injustice
When faced with hurt and injustice, we've heard people suggest everything from "eye for an eye" to basically letting yourself be treated like a doormat. But what does Jesus call us to do? Thankfully, in Jesus, we can address injustice and hurt in a way that neither minimizes their gravity nor allows them to consume or define our lives.
Beyond Rules
Jesus - Part 2: Beyond Rules
Jesus defined sin as anything that harms you or others. We usually think of sin as breaking God’s rules or laws. But God’s didn’t give the law because he likes rules. He gave the law to protect and honor people. All sins are not equal in their effects and every sin has built in consequences. To follow Jesus is to live a life of daily repentance and learn from the Holy Spirit how to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.
Messiah and King
Jesus is God's Son and our Messiah and King. Jesus as Savior and King is the fundamental starting point for following Jesus. We hold this truth closely and everything else wraps around this.
What do you want for Christmas? Christmas Message 2024
What Do You Want For Christmas? - Part 4
King Jesus
What does your neighbor want for Christmas?
Have you ever seen someone give a really BAD Christmas gift? Was it because they didn't know the person they were giving to? Or because their heart wasn't in it? Or were they just clueless? This Christmas, what are the people around you longing for? Into today's message, we learn what can give them by discovering what the REAL reason for the season is...and it's probably not what you think.
What Does God Want for Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas - Part 2
It's common to ask what YOU want for Christmas... A special gift? Time with family? Some peace and quiet? But what does GOD want for Christmas. We tend to think that God simply wants us to clean up our act. But as we look through the Gospels today, we'll see that what Jesus wants (even for Christmas) is something very surprising...and ultimately, very peace-giving.
Lay it Down
ReActions Speak Louder Than Words - Part 3
Often times our reactions to life events are caused by a desire to control all the outcomes of life. Jesus offers you a standing invitation to put down burdens you were never intended to carry. Come to me all you who are weak and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Confidence in God
So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.
ReActions Speak Louder than Words
Jesus viewed being mistreated as an opportunity to react in a way that caught people off guard. He reflected our Father in heaven by responding like our Father in heaven.
Guilt, Anger, Greed, Jealousy
What’s on the inside eventually shows up on the outside. That’s why it’s important to learn to guard our hearts and manage our emotions.
The End, The Beginning
American Christianity gets really weird when it talks about the End Times...it seems to always focus on fear, current events, and geopolitical interpretations. Good News: The focus of the Bible is different. While there's some sobering stuff about the End Times, the Bible teaches us that ultimately, the focus of End Times teaching is: Encouragement. It's pretty simple: Jesus is coming back...and he wants you to be with him when he makes all things new.
Living In Obedience
Everyone loves to receive Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. But along with that comes a new way of living by following the way of Jesus. Living this new life requires us to humbly submit our lives to the will of God.