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It's (not) That Simple: Happy Relationships

This series is all about the simple (but not so simple) principles from Scripture that lead to healthier and happier relationships.

Hopes, Dreams, & Desires

We all have hopes, dreams, and desires for our relationships but it’s easy for those to turn into expectations. This can result in unhealthy relationships, but the way of Jesus offers something better.

Submission Competition

What's on the list? In every relationship, but especially marriages, we each have a list of expectations we bring to the relationship. Then we hold that over the other person and rob the relationship of joy. This week, it's time to stop talking and listen as you ask the other person: "What's on your list?"

Cast Your Cares

It's simple, but it sure isn't easy. People in happy relationships make a decision to put each other first and to stop trying to pull their hopes and dreams out of the other person.
But what do you do when your hopes and dreams aren't coming true? What do you do when you're frustrated and angry in your relationship? The first step is to stop praying polite prayers and bring your honest hurts to your Heavenly Father.

Assume the Best

As we conclude this series, there's one more essential ingredient that makes up happy relationships: Trust. Join us as we explore 1 Corinthians 13 and Paul's appeal to express love through Trust.

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