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At the Table - Part 3

This week we conclude with steps 3 & 4 for repairing broken relationships. Jesus wants us to extend his peace to others because the father has extended that peace to us first!

At the Table - Part 2

Repairing broken relationships requires humility, wisdom, and the peace of Jesus. This week we'll continue with the next tool we need to follow Jesus and bring peace to broken relationships.

At the Table - Part 1

We all have experience dealing with relationships. We know how to start them and we're not bad at maintaining them. But how do you fix them when they're broken? Join Pastor Mike in this series as we dig into 4 important attitudes and steps to help repair broken relationships and bring the peace of Jesus.

Easter 2024: How He Loves Especially You

After Jesus' resurrection, Peter was wrestling with the guilt of having denied Jesus three times. But Jesus had a special invitation for him. The same invitation is for you too.

How He Loves - Week 3 -Pilate

Why Did Jesus Have to Die?

Jesus died for your sin to reconcile you to God. Many people often wonder why Jesus had to die. Why doesn’t God just forgive and forget? The Bible teaches that the penalty for sin & rebellion against God is death. As much as we want justice for others, if God truly gave equal justice, you and I would have to die. Jesus came to take that penalty on himself as a sacrifice of atonement. God upholds Justice and Jesus takes the penalty on himself… to redeem and save you.

Beyond Rules

Jesus - Part 2: Beyond Rules

Jesus defined sin as anything that harms you or others. We usually think of sin as breaking God’s rules or laws. But God’s didn’t give the law because he likes rules. He gave the law to protect and honor people. All sins are not equal in their effects and every sin has built in consequences. To follow Jesus is to live a life of daily repentance and learn from the Holy Spirit how to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.

What Does God Want for Christmas?

What do you want for Christmas - Part 2

It's common to ask what YOU want for Christmas... A special gift? Time with family? Some peace and quiet? But what does GOD want for Christmas. We tend to think that God simply wants us to clean up our act. But as we look through the Gospels today, we'll see that what Jesus wants (even for Christmas) is something very surprising...and ultimately, very peace-giving.

Guilt, Anger, Greed, Jealousy

What’s on the inside eventually shows up on the outside. That’s why it’s important to learn to guard our hearts and manage our emotions.

Early Church

If the general population heard that church people were showing up to something in their daily lives, would that be good news or bad news? The Early Church demonstrated that Jesus was GOOD NEWS for every part of life. And this is still the mission of our church today.

Lost sheep, coin, son

In "Season 2" of our "Make it Make Sense" series, we are beginning with Jesus' stories: the parables. When we lose heart, we don't need to be convinced of anything. We need to be woken up. And Jesus does just that through his stories. He wakes us up to receive his promises and live in fullness of life.

Parable of the Sower

Are we willing to set aside our preconceived notions of God and hear what Jesus says? The world looks at some people and thinks, "There's no chance for them." But to Jesus, they are worth a try...and he is willing to GENEROUSLY shower the seed of his word into their hearts. If we are willing to hear, Jesus says that he will bring LIFE into our lives that we could never imagine.

Wise Builder

In "Season 2" of our "Make it Make Sense" series, we are beginning with Jesus' stories: the parables. When we lose heart, we don't need to be convinced of anything. We need to be woken up. And Jesus does just that through his stories. He wakes us up to receive his promises and live in fullness of life.

The Flood

The story of Noah and the Flood is one of the most devastating stories of God's justice in the entire Bible. Humanity's evil, violence, injustice, and oppression had caused God's patience to run out. Yet, God also extends mercy and remembers his promise to Eve.

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