The Book of Haggai Week 2 - Greater Glory
What do we do when we're discouraged about how things look? According to Haggai, the answer is to find hope in the greater glory to come.
The Book of Haggai Week 1 - Do It Today
What do you tend to put off? And why? Today, we begin a short series in the Book of Haggai. The people of God were putting off what God had for them… for 16 years! Why?
They were pouring their energy into something else…while God’s temple lied in ruins. But the good news: God promised to be with them. Before they restarted, before they got their lives together, he promised to be with them. And that gave them the power to walk in God’s purpose for them.
Jeremiah & Daniel
“Make it Make Sense,” is about making sense of our story in light of God’s story. Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.