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What is the Real Foundation?

Before the Old and New Testaments were combined and called the Bible, the debate about the Christian faith centered on an event, not a book. We believe Jesus rose from the dead, but not because the Bible says so. We believe because of the testimony of eyewitnesses who gave up everything— including their lives— because of their confidence in Jesus.
Before you abandon your faith, it’s worth exploring this question: What if the Bible isn’t the foundation of the Christian faith?

Why Read the Bible?

Even people who have been "Church People" for years can struggle to understand the Bible. In this message, Pastor Mike helps us know where to start.

Jesus - Did He want churches? - Part 5

The church is God’s agent of transformation for each us personally, in our community, and throughout the world. If we were God, we would probably not have entrusted the good news to us. But that’s exactly what happened. But the church is filled with flawed people and our culture is rapidly running away from the church. Now more than ever the world needs the church. We need the church too!

Beyond Rules

Jesus - Part 2: Beyond Rules

Jesus defined sin as anything that harms you or others. We usually think of sin as breaking God’s rules or laws. But God’s didn’t give the law because he likes rules. He gave the law to protect and honor people. All sins are not equal in their effects and every sin has built in consequences. To follow Jesus is to live a life of daily repentance and learn from the Holy Spirit how to love God and love our neighbor as ourself.

Messiah and King

Jesus is God's Son and our Messiah and King. Jesus as Savior and King is the fundamental starting point for following Jesus. We hold this truth closely and everything else wraps around this.

The End, The Beginning

American Christianity gets really weird when it talks about the End seems to always focus on fear, current events, and geopolitical interpretations. Good News: The focus of the Bible is different. While there's some sobering stuff about the End Times, the Bible teaches us that ultimately, the focus of End Times teaching is: Encouragement. It's pretty simple: Jesus is coming back...and he wants you to be with him when he makes all things new.

The Apostle Paul

It would be difficult to identify a single person more influential in the spread and theology of the early church than the apostle Paul. But Paul considered himself the greatest of all sinners. It’s remarkable how God chooses to use surprising and unlikely people to advance His kingdom and powerfully carry the good news.

Early Church

If the general population heard that church people were showing up to something in their daily lives, would that be good news or bad news? The Early Church demonstrated that Jesus was GOOD NEWS for every part of life. And this is still the mission of our church today.

Palm Sunday

For some reason, God keeps choosing to engage with the world through flawed people. Today, we see that Jesus enters the scene on a path paved by his friends. And..Jesus will enter people’s lives on a path paved by YOU. Why does God use flawed people like us? The answer is probably better news than you think.

The Grand Story

Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.

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