Mary's Song - Journey to the Manger - Part 2
Mary's story of hope was a painful lesson in trusting God through trial and confusion. But God's plan was good. For Mary and for the world.
Redlining Your Time
In this message, we explore how the overwhelming busyness in our lives can distract us from what truly matters, using Jesus’ unhurried life as a model for intentional living. Discover how to break free from the trap of time-wasting activities and align your life with the rhythms of grace to find true peace and fulfillment.
Redlining Your Finances
We live in a culture that continually tells us to pursue a higher standard of living in order to improve our quality of life. But "standard of living" and "quality of life" aren't the same thing. One has to do with the stuff we accumulate. The other is about the peace we experience regardless of our circumstances.
What if your pursuit of a standard of living is undermining your quality of life? It's time to stop redlining your finances and create some breathing room!
The Problem of Evil
What happens to our faith in a good God when we experience pain or witness injustice? Do bad things serve as evidence against a good God? Or is there more to the story?
How He Loves - Thief on the Cross - Week 4
How do we reconcile our life experiences with a good God? Is God still good when life is bad? Join Pastor George Holleway as we learn from the story of the thief on the cross.
Dealing with Hurt and Injustice
When faced with hurt and injustice, we've heard people suggest everything from "eye for an eye" to basically letting yourself be treated like a doormat. But what does Jesus call us to do? Thankfully, in Jesus, we can address injustice and hurt in a way that neither minimizes their gravity nor allows them to consume or define our lives.
Assume the Best
As we conclude this series, there's one more essential ingredient that makes up happy relationships: Trust. Join us as we explore 1 Corinthians 13 and Paul's appeal to express love through Trust.
Cast Your Cares
It's simple, but it sure isn't easy. People in happy relationships make a decision to put each other first and to stop trying to pull their hopes and dreams out of the other person.
But what do you do when your hopes and dreams aren't coming true? What do you do when you're frustrated and angry in your relationship? The first step is to stop praying polite prayers and bring your honest hurts to your Heavenly Father.
Confidence in God
So many Jesus followers react with GREAT OFFENSE and DEFENSE when the "non-Jesus" world wrongs or offends them. However, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what Jesus invites us to do. Today, we learn that if we have confidence that GOD IS IN CONTROL, we will be freed up to REACT with uncanny love...and ultimately be more effective in the mission that Jesus has given us.
Living In Obedience
Everyone loves to receive Jesus' forgiveness and mercy. But along with that comes a new way of living by following the way of Jesus. Living this new life requires us to humbly submit our lives to the will of God.
Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs
“Make it Make Sense,” is about making sense of our story in light of God’s story. Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.
David - Sinner & Saint
“Make it Make Sense,” is about making sense of our story in light of God’s story. Everyone loves a good story. In fact, our entire lives are shaped by the stories that we believe about ourselves and the world around us. God has wired us that way which explains why the Bible is filled with stories. In fact, if you have eyes to see, the Bible tells one grand overarching story. And you are a character in God’s story.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
Today’s message is about how the "heroes of the faith" tell a story not only of faithfulness, but of severe dysfunction. We see the same pattern we see in our lives:
We get controlled by deep fear or desire.
We try to FORCE an outcome to avoid risk.
Lives get destroyed.
Thankfully, their lives and ours are not identified by our mess, but by God making it all new...and changing the world through us.
The story of Joseph in Genesis is not just a beautifully recounted story of Joseph's trails, tribulations, and redemption, it's also a story of God's sovereign hand guiding and directing all things towards our deliverance and His kingdom coming into the world.
The Flood
The story of Noah and the Flood is one of the most devastating stories of God's justice in the entire Bible. Humanity's evil, violence, injustice, and oppression had caused God's patience to run out. Yet, God also extends mercy and remembers his promise to Eve.
Christmas 2022: Hope in Unmagical Moments
Christmas is supposed to be a magical time of joy and peace. But let's be honest, most of our Christmases are chaotic, stressful, and filled with tension. It might surprise you to learn that the first Christmas was a lot like what we experience. In fact, God seems to delight in working through our messes.